Shipping & Returns

1. development of the 24-h-Service :

So look in peace at the products in our store. After you added some of this products to your shopping cart, you can go to the "Checkout". Here you can sign your delivery address and decide for a mode of shipment and payment. Below you can inform about these first. After your order you keep a detailed order confirmation direct by e-Mail (max. 12 HOURS). If you order by cash on delivery, the commodity is sent away still today by post office. During payment by Check/Money Order you keep our transfer data additional. We examine daily our bank account for detailed payments. Forwarding expenses develop for you only uniquely. During short term supplementory order we will summarize the ordersafter possibility. No additional forwarding expenses develop for you. Then please sent a short e-Mail at
a. at cash on delivery: The commodity is sent away immediately. You pay at your postman.* - Usually supply within ca. 1-3 working-days b. by Check/Money Order: The commodity is sent away after receipt of payment. - Usually supply within ca. 1-3 working-days

2. Shipping and Handling:

We send you your commodity also with Deutschen Post DHL. This shippingcost are without VAT of 19%. The maximal weight for one package to germany 31,5kg and to outher countries 20kg. They can select later in the order form between:

Delivery Zone:


Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.25 kg 3.99 €
from 0.25 kg to 0.5 kg 4.99 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 5.50 €
from 1 kg to 5 kg 7.00 €
from 5 kg to 10 kg 7.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 13.00 €
from 20 kg to maximal weightt 15.00 €
Second Day
from 0 kg to 1 kg 49.00 €
from 1 kg to 5 kg 52.00 €
from 5 kg to 10 kg 59.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 62.00 €
from 20 kg to maximal weightt 75.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(Portugal, Hungary - Ungarn, Bulgaria, Austria - Österreich, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, Spain - Spanien, Sweden - Schweden, Netherlands - Niederlande, Monaco, Lithuania - Litauen, Latvia - Lettland, Italy, Belgium - Belgien, Cyprus, Czech Republic - Tschechien, Denmark - Dänemark, Estonia - Estland, France - Frankreich, Greece - Griechenland, Ireland, Romania - Rumänien, Croatia, France, Metropolitan, Poland - Polen, Finland)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 7.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 13.0 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 19.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 20.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 21.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 20.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 22.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 23.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 24.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 25.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 26.00 €
from 10 kg to 11 kg 27.00 €
from 11 kg to 12 kg 28.00 €
from 12 kg to 13 kg 29.00 €
from 13 kg to 14 kg 30.00 €
from 14 kg to 15 kg 31.00 €
from 15 kg to 16 kg 32.00 €
from 16 kg to 17 kg 33.00 €
from 17 kg to 18 kg 34.00 €
from 18 kg to 19 kg 35.00 €
from 19 kg to 20 kg 36.00 €
from 20 kg to 21 kg 37.00 €
from 21 kg to 22 kg 38.00 €
from 22 kg to 23 kg 39.00 €
from 23 kg to 24 kg 40.00 €
from 24 kg to 25 kg 41.00 €
from 25 kg to 31 kg 43.00 €
from 31 kg to maximal weightt 50.00 €
Next Day - EXPRESS
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Moldova, Republic of - Moladivien, Iceland, Greenland - Grönland, Gibraltar, Georgia, Faroe Islands, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Belarus - Weißrußland, Albania, Norway - Norwegen, Russian Federation - Russland, United Kingdom - Großbritannien, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Vatican City State (Holy See), Schweiz - Switzerland, San Marino, Andorra)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 7.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 13.0 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 22.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 24.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 26.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 28.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 30.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 33.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 35.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 37.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 39.00 €
from 10 kg to 11 kg 41.00 €
from 11 kg to 12 kg 42.00 €
from 12 kg to 13 kg 44.00 €
from 13 kg to 14 kg 46.00 €
from 14 kg to 15 kg 48.00 €
from 15 kg to 16 kg 50.00 €
from 16 kg to 17 kg 52.00 €
from 17 kg to 18 kg 54.00 €
from 18 kg to 19 kg 56.00 €
from 19 kg to 20 kg 58.00 €
from 20 kg to 21 kg 60.00 €
from 21 kg to 22 kg 62.00 €
from 22 kg to 23 kg 64.00 €
from 23 kg to 24 kg 66.00 €
from 24 kg to 25 kg 68.00 €
from 25 kg to 31 kg 72.00 €
from 31 kg to maximal weightt 85.00 €
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(St. Pierre and Miquelon, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco - Marokko, Syrian Arab Republic)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 7.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 13.0 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 28.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 31.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 34.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 37.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 40.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 43.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 46.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 49.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 52.00 €
from 10 kg to 11 kg 55.00 €
from 11 kg to 12 kg 58.00 €
from 12 kg to 13 kg 61.00 €
from 13 kg to 14 kg 64.00 €
from 14 kg to 15 kg 67.00 €
from 15 kg to 16 kg 70.00 €
from 16 kg to 17 kg 73.00 €
from 17 kg to 18 kg 76.00 €
from 18 kg to 19 kg 79.00 €
from 19 kg to 20 kg 82.00 €
from 20 kg to 21 kg 85.00 €
from 21 kg to 22 kg 88.00 €
from 22 kg to 23 kg 91.00 €
from 23 kg to 24 kg 94.00 €
from 24 kg to 25 kg 97.00 €
from 25 kg to 31 kg 105.00 €
from 31 kg to maximal weightt 125.00 €
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(Qatar - Katar, Puerto Rico, Pitcairn, Peru, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Reunion, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Palau, Panama, Pakistan, Montserrat, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand - Neuseeland, Nicaragua, Niger, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Oman, Mongolia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (U.S.), Wallis and Futuna Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Turkmenistan, Somalia, South Africa - Südafrika, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Sri Lanka, St. Helena, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, United Republic of, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Fiji, Cote D'Ivoire, Costa Rica, Cook Islands, Congo, Comoros, Colombia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island, Aruba, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Ethiopia, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Egypt, Ecuador, East Timor, Dominican Republic, Chile, Chad, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Botswana, Bouvet Island, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Belize, Barbados, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Cayman Islands, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Brazil, Cambodia, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bhutan, Micronesia, Federated States of, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Lesotho, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - Nordkorea, Kiribati, Kenya, American Samoa, Liberia, Macau, Mexico, Mayotte, Mauritania, Martinique, Marshall Islands, Mali, Maldives, Malawi, Madagascar, Angola, Jamaica, Iraq, Guatemala, Guam, Argentina, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Ghana, Gambia, Gabon, French Southern Territories, French Polynesia, French Guiana, Guinea, Guinea-bissau, Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana, Haiti, Heard and Mc Donald Islands, Antarctica, Anguilla, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Honduras)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 7.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 13.0 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 45.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 53.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 61.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 69.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 77.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 85.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 93.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 101.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 109.00 €
from 10 kg to 11 kg 117.00 €
from 11 kg to 12 kg 125.00 €
from 12 kg to 13 kg 133.00 €
from 13 kg to 14 kg 141.00 €
from 14 kg to 15 kg 149.00 €
from 15 kg to 16 kg 157.00 €
from 16 kg to 17 kg 165.00 €
from 17 kg to 18 kg 173.00 €
from 18 kg to 19 kg 181.00 €
from 19 kg to 20 kg 189.00 €
from 20 kg to 21 kg 197.00 €
from 21 kg to 22 kg 205.00 €
from 22 kg to 23 kg 213.00 €
from 23 kg to 24 kg 221.00 €
from 24 kg to 25 kg 229.00 €
from 25 kg to 31 kg 237.00 €
from 31 kg to maximal weightt 290.00 €
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(Canada, United States - USA)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 7.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 13.0 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 33.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 38.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 45.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 52.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 59.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 66.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 73.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 80.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 87.00 €
from 10 kg to 11 kg 94.00 €
from 11 kg to 12 kg 101.00 €
from 12 kg to 13 kg 108.00 €
from 13 kg to 14 kg 115.00 €
from 14 kg to 15 kg 122.00 €
from 15 kg to 16 kg 129.00 €
from 16 kg to 17 kg 136.00 €
from 17 kg to 18 kg 143.00 €
from 18 kg to 19 kg 150.00 €
from 19 kg to 20 kg 157.00 €
from 20 kg to 21 kg 164.00 €
from 21 kg to 22 kg 171.00 €
from 22 kg to 23 kg 178.00 €
from 23 kg to 24 kg 185.00 €
from 24 kg to 25 kg 192.00 €
from 25 kg to 31 kg 199.00 €
from 31 kg to maximal weightt 245.00 €
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

Delivery Zone:

(Malaysia, China, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea, Republic - Südkorea, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Indonesia)

Weight Price
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 6.50 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 12.50 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 25.50 €
from 2 kg to 5 kg 43.00 €
from 5 kg to 10 kg 60.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 95.00 €
from 20 kg to maximal weightt 125.00 €
from 0 kg to 0.5 kg 195.00 €
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg 218.00 €
from 1 kg to 2 kg 237.00 €
from 2 kg to 3 kg 259.00 €
from 3 kg to 4 kg 225.00 €
from 4 kg to 5 kg 315.00 €
from 5 kg to 6 kg 337.00 €
from 6 kg to 7 kg 360.00 €
from 7 kg to 8 kg 385.00 €
from 8 kg to 9 kg 405.00 €
from 9 kg to 10 kg 430.00 €
from 10 kg to 20 kg 559.00 €
from 20 kg to 30 kg 750.00 €
from 30 kg to 40 kg 870.00 €
from 40 kg to 50 kg 1000.00 €
from 50 kg to 75 kg 1250.00 €
from 75 kg to maximal weightt 1500.00 €

* At hte dispatch by cash on delivery develop additional fees in accordance with price list of the Germanpost office.

3. minimum order value:

In our Store we have a minimum order value of 18.99 € !

4. Payment:

You can pay at our store as Moneyorder, Cash on Delivery, Western Union or PayPal. At PayPal we added a charge of 3.9% from your total costs.

With questions at the shipping and to the delivery times write at:
Specials, Bestseller & Novelties
PT 2x8V - 5VA
PT 2x8V - 5VA
1µF / 16V / SMD
10nF / 50V / X7R / SMD
EL-R 68µF/400V/105° Snap In
EL-R 68µF/400V/105°/SnapIn/RM10


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Fr: 8:00 - 14:30 Uhr
+49 (0)3327 6680 110

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